A range of services can be offered including :
Consultancy - bespoke support for your school/organisation to reduce barriers to learning and raise outcomes
Providing online or face to face advice to provide external challenge and support to raise standards and enable your organisation to flourish.
Working together to agree the current performance of the organisation, I will assist you in identifying areas of strength to be celebrated and areas that require development.
I support your school improvement journey
Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the organisation using local and national data, to help drive accurate and robust self-evaluation and improve the overall quality of education.
Inspection preparation- reading deep dive
Curriculum and policy planning, review and audit
learning walks or observations
Conducting SEND reviews across a school/ MAT or Trust

Conducting a SEND review – what to expect?
Aims – A SEND reviews provide the opportunity to drive forward /improve the provision for pupils with SEND to ensure they achieve well, are included, reducing any barriers to learning.
The SEND review framework facilitates increased collaboration/ development of expertise, to ensure effective identification, inclusion with clear understanding of need for reasonable adjustments, learning and outcomes for all learners with SEND.
Ensuring effective implementation of reforms /compliance with legal responsibilities and duties.