Welcome back to my favourite part of the term!
I love Halloween, bonfire night, autumn and of course Christmas so its win win for me! But I know it’s all a hard time in schools for all learners, so hopefully some of the links and ideas will add some sparkle.
Read some great books!
Its Non fiction November so check out some of the wonderful books available. I love the recommendations from Simon Smith (fiction and non-fiction)
or check him out on Twitter @smithsmm, look out for his best picture books of 2022 coming soon!
The Book with a Hole Paperback by Hervé Tullet
The Street Beneath My Feet by Charlotte Guillian and Yuval Zommer
The Lights and Types of Ships at Night Dave Eggers, Ann Dills
Alphabeasties and Other Amazing Types 1st (first) by Sharon Werner, Sarah Forss (2009)
Listen to some interesting people
If you haven’t listened to any of the free podcasts from SEND cast I would recommend them, I am due to be on here at the end of November so watch this space! https://www.thesendcast.com
I recommend Fintan O’Regans, Gary Aubin, Joanna Grace and Arran Smith podcast. Although all are great!
Listen to a free Christmas multi sensory story from rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com- email her to find out more
Focus on supporting us all to get writing!
I have become more aware of the importance that an emphasis on writing (in its widest sense) has upon learning across the curriculum for all. My focus on reading has led to the realisation that we need to place the same attention on writing. We need to use technology, multi sensory approaches and motivational experiences to develop this area for all!
Check out
•www.cricksoft.com/uk/ assisting-communication-and-writing-for-all-pupils-using-clicker-8 - lots of support, training videos and resources
•www.bookcreator.com/blog/ - I love this app
•www.callscotland.org.uk/common-assets/cm-files/posters/supporting-writing-difficulties.pdf - full of tips to support writing
• www.widgit.com - free resources
• www.nessy.com - check out the updates
Get ready for my new book!
Many of those in the Facebook group appear in the book, and I would like to say a big thank you for your time. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to show case some of the incredible outcomes learners have demonstrated, as well as changes in practice that have supported these outcomes. I am currently working on the cover, so any ideas regretfully received! https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003220046/teaching-reading-learners-including-complex-needs-sarah-moseley
Network with some passionate professionals
Check out the latest sponsored training events from Teach us www.teachustoo.org.uk
Network with other professionals, get advice, support and share ideas by
joining the Literacy for all learners Facebook group. We have two working party meetings coming up, looking at developing a reading framework for special schools and phase one phonics for all. message me to join either of these
Attend some motivating training!
Our feedback from the recent 'Practical Phonics for learners with SEND' course.....
"Thought provoking and inspiring"
"Inspirational speakers, clearly passionate about reading"
"A really informative course - thank you."
"The phonics course was great and Dr Sarah and Naomi were very knowledgeable and passionate about the teaching of phonics"
"Great course with practical, quick and simple ideas you can begin in the classroom immediately"
The next course focusing on practical ways into phonics for older learners will be in the new year, so watch this space!
You can purchase a recording of this session valid for 3 months from the courses tab on this site.

New course coming January 13th (Friday!) 10-11:45- Save the date!
Developing phonics through writing- practical approaches from phase one onwards
Check out further training via-
Or watch out for next terms parent/carer support group I run with Paloma Forde (24th January 7:30). This is a popular and useful support for all.
Finally I have addressed some of my technical problems with subscriptions, my website, sending regular updates and my lack of IT awareness! I hope this will be a smooth process, but please do get back to me if I have missed a communication from you.
I aim to get an update out on a monthly basis, please pass on to others who may find this useful.
Twitter @drsarahmoseley
Linked in Facebook Instagram
Dr Sarah Moseley
(FB Group Literacy for all learners)
Website www.drsarahmoseley.com
Subscribe for newsletter
Email send@drsarahmoseley.com
